Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Carpet Cleaning Company

Feb 27, 2021Latest News, News & Updates, Our Blogs

When it comes to choosing a carpet cleaning company, there are three major blunders to avoid.

As you might expect, the New York/New Jersey area is not small, and there are myriad carpet cleaning companies vying for your company. There are so many to choose from that it can be difficult to make a decision. Making the wrong choice can be both costly and frustrating, so it’s important to think about it carefully. Here are three of the most common mistakes people make when selecting a carpet cleaning service:

Choosing Solely on the Basis of Price 

You see an ad in the local pennysaver or online for $29.99 carpet cleaning that looks too good to be true. The entire house! That’s the end of your search. Obviously, you’ll be getting a great price, which is much better than renting a machine from the store!

The issue is that the low price is just a ruse to get you on the phone or get a salesperson in the door (literally). No credible, professional carpet cleaning service can afford to provide their full services for $29.99. Perhaps a couple of cowboys with a rented machine and some water, but not a true pro.

When the carpet cleaning business starts “explaining” all the additional services you’ll need to get professionally cleaned carpets, these low prices easily add up. The true costs are exposed at that stage, and they are all too often a shock to a homeowner who expected to pay $30 to have a house full of carpets cleaned!

Making a Decision Solely on the Basis of Equipment

You’ve done some research online and believe you know exactly what the best carpet cleaning equipment is, and the first company you find seems to have it all, so they’re the best option, right? Not all of the time.

Even if a carpet cleaning company has every gadget and cutting-edge piece of carpet cleaning technology in the world, it is useless unless its workers are properly qualified to use it. Ask about experience, because the health of your carpets really does depend on it.

Make a Decision Based on First Impressions

Some businesses, regardless of industry, have a thing for flash. Their hallmark is flashy advertising, flashy blogs, and splashy promotions. Some of these businesses are amazing, but appearances aren’t necessarily everything.

Creating a basic website is relatively simple and can be completed in around a month  for a few hundred bucks. Social media posts are even easier to create. Building a successful carpet cleaning company, on the other hand, necessitates a lot of time, lots of money  and a group of people who are willing to put in long hours of training a team of professionals who can provide customers with a great service every time they leave the office.

Inquire about certifications, expertise, and pricing for your particular job when communicating with a representative from any carpet cleaning business you’re considering. You could be onto something if they can – and are able – confidently answer your questions.

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